"Never criticize,unless you suggest "

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Existence with Faith

I didn’t finish my column on our editorial class so I was late for our colloquium. Today’s guest was Sir Jay Paharilio, a faculty here at Auf and teaches Ethics. I was late so I had only heard the latter part of his talk. As far as I could remember it was about Philosophy and existence of God. Am not really a fan of any philosopher so I was not really paying attention but what caught me on the open forum, is when Sir Jay said something like “This people (philosopher) are not to be questioned about their ideas but rather to be respected for their ideologies they had contributed.” I suppose since man is trying to go beyond his limitations he go against what is seems to be normal. He tries to search for the explanation of everything that exists. Sometimes he wins and earns our respect for contributing essential however there are certain things that are simply unexplainable. And one of those is faith. Many might questions it that even you at times is confuse but nevertheless you still have that faith with Him. Maybe because it is truly magical, He has His on way of assuring you He is there. The bottom line is whether you believe or not or perhaps still searching God remember that life is short, so live it to the fullest for there is no take two.

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